Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions


We are committed to protecting the privacy of any personal information obtained. This privacy policy explains how your personal information will be treated as you access and interact with the website. Personal information is information about you that identifies you or information by which your identity can reasonably be determined. This policy concerns personal information which you provide to us when you communicate with us through the website and information we collect from you when you access the website.


When you access the website, you can browse the website without revealing your identity . In order to improve our website, we may use “cookies” to track your visit. A cookie is a small amount of data that is transferred to your browser by a Web server and can only be read by the server that gave it to you. It cannot be executed as code or deliver viruses. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. Although the website is viewable even if you disable the cookie function on your browser, if you disable cookies, some advanced and customised features or offerings may not be available to you.

This information does not identify you personally and will not be matched with any information which does identify you personally. We do not use cookies to track your personal information.

Personal Information Volunteered By You

There may, from time to time, be places where we give you the opportunity to volunteer your personal information. We collect personally identifiable information that you volunteer to us (such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, age, gender, hobbies, family information and/or similar demographic information), when you subscribe to, or create an account with, the website, enter a competition through the website, register to receive email updates, request a catalogue, place an order (if applicable) or voluntarily register on the website. Often this additional information is optional or requested anonymously in connection with a survey. Registration may also be required to participate in certain message boards, or make comments on information on contained within the website.

What Do We Do With Collected Information?

We use information you provide to fulfil your requests and improve the website, our products and services. We may, from time to time, produce reports for advertisers, sponsors and vendors containing anonymous, aggregate information about our users and subscribers, such as demographic, age and online usage information. This information allows us to provide content and offers that are most relevant to our subscribers and users We do not include any personally identifiable information of our users in these reports.

We also use personal information so that we may display or send custom, personalized content to the website visitors and send newsletters, mail, e-mails, features, promotional material, surveys and other updates, information or offers to our users and subscribers.

Data Security

Safeguards will be maintained to protect personal information against unauthorised access, alteration, destruction, use or disclosure and against accidental loss. Any personal information that you submit to our website is held with the strictest confidence. We use and implements industry standards for the security and protection of information collected from its users. Once your personal information comes into our possession, we will take all reasonable steps to protect that information as described.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or feedback about privacy, wish to request a change to the information you have previously provided, or who wish to make a complaint, please contact us.

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